Road Map

Pursuant to the MyQAN Strategic Planning Workshop on 8th – 10th December 2015, MyQAN in its Meeting No. 1/2016 on 19th February 2016 concluded with a road map that is commencing from 2016 until 2025. This road map has two phases, which are Building Reputation (2016-2020) and Gaining Recognition (2021-2025). In the first phase, MyQAN will move forward to gain reputation in the nation. The focus will encompass the development of QA expertise profiles of MyQAN registered members’, subsequently followed by capability-building programmes for the members. Enhancement of competencies amongst the members will allow MyQAN to explore opportunities to augment its presence in the nation via engagement and collaboration with disciplined-based fraternities and non-awarding degree universities.

In the second phase; Gaining Reputation (2021-2025), MyQAN will follow through its aspiration to become “Point of Reference” by 2025. This aspiration will be achieved through several initiatives that shall increase MyQAN’s prevalence in the region and the world through Regional Collaboration, Regional Capability-Building Programmes and International Collaboration. Periodic engagements and interactions with its regional and international partners will facilitate MyQAN to develop the QA Competency Framework by 2024, which will ultimately mark MyQAN as the “Point of Reference” by 2025.